As helpful as fertilizer is to the healthy of your lawn, it is important to know that water is absolutely essential. Given adequate water your lawn will love the nutritional boost. However, if after a fertilization your lawn only gets sun and heat it may smart and beg for mercy. The result could be deadly.
During the summer your lawn needs at least 1 inch of water per week. It’s great if there’s plenty of rain, but that’s rarely the case for summers in Chicagoland. So, plan on establishing a watering routine and don’t be deterred by a rain forecast. Not every rain gives enough water to be helpful.
Here are some things to consider:
- Fertilizer can burn a lawn if it lacks adequate water.
- TML is mowing at a height of 3 inches. Short grass dries out and burns easier.
- Water your lawn deep, at least a 1/2 inch of water, which for most sprinklers means at least 2 hours. Frequent light sprinkling results in shallow roots.
- Deep watering 2 times a week should be adequate during hot spells.
- Morning watering is best. Grass that is wet all night is more likely to develop fungal diseases.
- A timer for your sprinkler can simplify your job.
During the spring and fall your lawn needs about a 1/2 inch of water per week. The upper Midwest is particularly prone to having inadequate rain in autumn. Since this is when your lawn is in root development mode, it is crucial to keep it watered during this season.